In the Library you can find a comprehensive research which was undertaken by the project partners in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Romania, United Kingdom. The reports include an assessment of the prevention and responses to online hate speech incidents in each country, the national normative frameworks developed to identify, limit and counter hate speech online, the mechanisms for monitoring and reporting hate speech instances, the legal and non-legal measures to counter hate speech, and more. They are mainly focused on online hate speech targeting migrants and refugees/ethnic minorities.

Here you can also find the seven Media content monitoring reports conducted in each of the countries. Each of these reports is researching, analyzing, classifying and comparing levels and trends in online hate speech against migrants and refugees.

If you want to share interesting reports and presentation linked to online hate speech feel free to contact us and we will upload the document you send us and share it with our audience.


Legislation, regulations, directives

* Declaration on Human Rights,
* European Convention on Human Rights,
* Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU,
* Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime,
* The Framework Decision on racism and xenophobia,

Positive methods

* INTEGRA City Integration Audit Toolkit. Multi-method participatory assessment and mapping of city policies and practices for integration of third-country nationals,
* COMPASS: Manual for Human Rights Education with Young people,
* Responding to Cyberhate: Toolkit for Action, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), August 2010,
* The Online Civil Courage Initiative (OССI) Information Pack On Counterspeech Engagement,

European Commission Reports

* ECRI REPORT ON BULGARIA (fourth monitoring cycle),
* Migration and migrant population statistics,
* Incitement in media content and political discourse in EU Member States. Contribution to the second Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights - November 2016. Report developed by FRA (European Agency for Fundamental Rights).
- FRA reports:
* Fundamental Rights Report 2016 (2016),
* Discrimination and hate crime against Jews in EU Member States: experiences and perceptions of antisemitism (2013),
* Racism, discrimination, intolerance and extremism: learning from experiences in Greece and Hungary (2013), (available in Greek and Hungarian)
* Making hate crime visible in the European Union: acknowledging victims’ rights (2012), (available in English, French and German)