Living Together Online: positive messengers for tolerance” is an international conference to discuss methods to counter online hate speech.

How hate speech originates, who the offenders are, when hate speech crosses the border between digital and physical, how false news can cause tension and even violence, what the hate speech victims experience? These are some of the questions we will discuss together with a Rwanda genocide survivor, a founder of the most massive public campaign for Culture without Hate in the Czech Republic, with hate speech researchers, journalists and experts from Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany and Bulgaria.

 We will look into the future together with politicians, human rights experts, gaming industry representatives, local authorities, we will review the instruments that are already being used online and offline, to effectively limit hate speech. We will map the way ahead together.

The conference is organized by Sofia Development Association in the framework of the project Coalition of Positive Messengers to Counter Online Hate Speech, co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union.

The conference is part of Sofia Municipality programme for Bulgaria’s presidency of the EU. Among the speakers are Iliana Yotova, Vice President of Bulgaria, and Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia. 

You can see the programme here.

You can see the speakers here.

Register before June 18, 2018. Available seats are limited.